Category: Relationships

  • Take A Step Back

    Take A Step Back

    Slow down. Take a deep breath. What’s the hurry? Why wear yourself out? Just what are you after anyway? Jeremiah 2:25, MSG In this digital age, we are constantly connected.  Connected to our phones, friends, work, family, social media, strangers, news, drama, etc. If there is something to be connected to, we’re going after it.…

  • Girl, Don’t Apologize

    Girl, Don’t Apologize

    Girl…  Don’t apologize for who you are Don’t apologize for your style and the clothes you wear Don’t apologize for your height Don’t apologize for being the boldest in the room Don’t apologize for being the smartest in the room Don’t apologize for compliments  Don’t apologize for being free in who you are Don’t apologize…

  • Life’s A Mess

    Life’s A Mess

     “Anybody can tell you youʼre pretty in yoga pants and a messy bun. You need the rarer kind; the kind who sticks through the messy of your soul.” I came across this quote which immediately took me back to something a dear person once told me. This person was always so uplifting and encouraging to…

  • Girl, You Don’t Have To Like Him Back

    Girl, You Don’t Have To Like Him Back

    I am so tired of how we treat young girls when it comes to relationships. Having conquered my teenage years and now living in these young adult years, I come face-to-face with this on a regular basis, whether personally or through a friend – When a guy decides he likes a girl, everyone expects her…

  • Who Are You Allowing In?

    Who do you allow into your life? I think this is a question we should be actively asking ourselves on a regular basis. Who are you allowing to come and speak into your life? Who are you trusting with the deepest desires of your heart? Who are you allowing into the most sacred part of…